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Appointed as Moses' right-hand man
Makes a golden bull idol
Aaron's staff blossoms and produces almonds
Dies at Mount Hor
Is killed by his brother Cain
Leads the Israelites for eight years
Abijah, King of Judah
Wages war with Israel
Abimelech, King of Gerar
Makes a treaty with Abraham at Beersheba
Makes a treaty with Isaac at Beersheba
Abimelech, King of Shechem
Becomes the Israelite King of Shechem
Burns down the Temple of Baal-Berith
Abram / Abraham
Journeys to Canaan
Settles in Canaan
Rescues Lot from captivity
Conceives his son Ishmael with his Egyptian slave girl
His son Isaac is born
Makes a sacrifice at Mount Moriah
Buys Machpelah Cave to bury Sarah at Hebron
Secures an arranged marriage for Isaac
Dies and is buried at Hebron
Kills his brother Amnon and flees
Leads a rebellion against his father King David
Is killed by Joab at the Battle of Ephraim
Creation and Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
An alternative to speaking God's personal name
Adonai Tzvaot
Name for God meaning 'The LORD of Hosts'
Ahab, King of Israel
Succeeds his father Omri
Marries Princess Jezebel of Sidon
Builds a temple to Baal at Samaria
Agrees a peace treaty with Ben-Hadad of Aram
Seizes Naboth's vineyard at Samaria
Joins forces with Ben-Hadad of Aram against King Shalmaneser III of Assyria
Allies with Jehoshaphat of Judah against Ben-Hadad of Aram
Killed at the siege of Ramoth-Gilead
Ahaz, King of Judah
Sacrifices his son to the god Moloch
Fights King Pekah of Israel and King Rezin of Syria
Asks for assistance from King Tiglath-Pileser of Assyria
Builds a new pagan altar in the Temple at Jerusalem
Isaiah gives a word from the LORD to King Ahaz
Ahaziah, Co-regent of Israel
Consults Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron
Ahaziah, King of Judah
Succeeds his father Jehoram as King of Judah
Heretic Pharaoh of Egypt at the time of King David
Alexander the Great, King of Macedonia
His conquest of the Persian Empire is foretold by Daniel
Defeats the Persian King Darius III at the Battle of Issus
Amaziah, King of Judah
Succeeds his father Joash as King of Judah
Is killed at Lachish
Amenemhat III, Pharaoh of Egypt
Pharaoh Amenemhat III appoints Joseph as his Vizier
He gives Jacob's family land at Avaris
Makes Joseph his Vizier
Denounces social injustice in Israel
Warns that God will punish Israel for oppressing the poor
Prays with Saul (Paul) in Damascus
Introduces Jesus to his brother Simon (Peter)
Called to follow Jesus
Antiochus Epiphanes, King of Syria
Sets up an altar to Olympian Zeus in the Temple in Jerusalem
Dedicates the Jewish Temple to the Greek God Zeus
Stays with Aquila and Priscilla in Ephesus
Aquila and Priscilla
Paul stays with them in Corinth
They move to Ephesus
They teach Apollos about the Holy Spirit
Paul stays with them in Ephesus
They return to Rome
Artaxerxes I, King of Persia
Authorises Ezra to renew religious practices in Judah
Allows Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem with a fourth group of exiles
Asa, King of Judah
Cuts down the Asherah poles
Allies with Ben-Hadad, King of Aram
Canaanite fertility goddess and wife of El
Canaanite fertility goddess and consort of Baal
Athaliah, Queen of Judah
Seizes power on the death of her son King Ahaziah
Azariah (Uzziah), King of Judah
Succeeds his father Amaziah as King of Judah
Is struck by leprosy
'In the year King Uzziah died...'
The god of the Canaanites
Baasha, King of Israel
Builds a new capital at Tirzah
Blesses the Israelites
Defeats Sisera of Hazor at Mt Tabor
Sells land and gives proceeds to the poor
Introduces Paul to Peter and James in Jerusalem
Brings Paul from Tarsus to Antioch
Takes famine relief to Jerusalem from Antioch with Paul
Accompanies Paul on his 1st missionary journey
Attends the Council of Jerusalem with Paul
Travels to Cyprus with John Mark
Marries King David
A Babylonian god
Belshazzar, King of Babylonia
Asks Daniel to interpret the writing on the wall
Ben-Hadad III, King of Aram (Syria)
Conquers northern Israel
Lays seige to Samaria
Joins forces with Ahab of Israel against King Shalmaneser III of Assyria
Fights against Ahab of Israel and Jehoshaphat of Judah
Lays seige to Samaria
Murdered by Hazael
Marries Ruth and becomes great-grandfather of King David
Spies out the 'promised land' of Canaan
Conquers Hebron
Cambyses, King of Persia
Sends a second group of exiles home to Judah
The god of Moab
Cushan Rishathaim, King of Mesopotamia
Rules over Israel
Cyrus II, King of Persia
Overthrows the Babylonians
Orders the return of the Jewish exiles to Judah
God chooses Cyrus the save his people
Is persecuted for his faith in Babylon
Is trained in the Royal Court of Babylon
Is thrown into a blazing furnace
Interprets the writing on the wall
Is flung into a den of lions
Has a vision of "one like a son of man"
Predicts the overthrow of the Persian Empire by Alexander the Great
Has a vision of the "Abomination of Desolation" set up in the Temple
Darius I, King of Persia
Consolidates his control over the Persian Empire
Builds a new capital at Susa
Authorises the completion of the Second Temple
Darius III, King of Persia
Defeated by Alexander the Great at the Battle of Issus
David, King of Judah and Israel
Anointed as King of Israel by Samuel
Joins King Saul's court at Gibeah
Defeats Goliath of Gath
Flees from Saul to Nob and Adullam
Spares Saul's life at En Gedi
Marries Abigail
Employed as a mercenary soldier by the King of Gath
Becomes King of Judah and Israel
Captures Jerusalem from the Jebusites
Brings the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem
Defeats the Ammonites at Rabbah
Has an affair with Bathsheba
Flees from Absalom's rebellion to Mahanaim
Buys land for a temple on Mt Moriah
Psalms of King David
Defeats King Jabin of Hazor
Djedneferre Dudimose, Pharaoh of Egypt
The pharaoh who refuses to let the Israelites leave Egypt
Tells Moses to take the Israelites and the plagues away
Pursues the Israelites to the Sea of Reeds
Pharaoh of the Exodus
Eglon, King of Moab
Rules over Israel
Used as a name for the God of Israel
Elah, King of Israel
Assassinated by Zimri
Succeeds his father Aaron as Chief Priest
Appoints Joshua to succeed Moses
Serves as priest at the sanctuary in Shiloh
Dies after his sons are killed in battle at Ebenezer
Elijah (Elias)
Predicts a drought in Israel
Restores the widow of Zarapheth's son to life
Challenges the prophets of Baal
Flees to Beersheba
Meets God on the summit of Mt Sinai
Anoints Jehu as King of Israel
Condemns King Ahab for killing Naboth
Is taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot
God promises to send Elijah before the Day of Judgement
Anointed by Elijah
Crosses the River Jordan after Elijah is taken up to heaven
Brings a boy back to life
Heals Naaman, the leprous commander of the King of Syria
Prophesies the death of King Ben-Hadad of Syria
Dies during the reign of King Jehoash of Israel
Elizabeth and Zechariah
The Angel Gabriel announces the birth of their son John
The birth of John the Baptist
Name used for the God of Israel
Leads the Israelites for ten years
Founds a city in Mesopotamia
Twins Esau and Jacob born
Jacob steals Esau's birthright
Esau's descendents become kings of Edom
Esther, Queen of Persia
Joins the harem of King Xerxes I and becomes Queen
Pleads for the life of the Jewish people
Creation and Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
Is taken captive from Jerusalem to Babylon
Introduction to the Book of Ezekiel
Re-enacts the seige of Jerusalem by drawing a map
Ezekiel's vision of idolatry in the Temple
Ezekiel uses parables to talk about Israel & Judah
Ezekiel hears of the fall of Jerusalem in 587BC
Ezekiel has a vision of the Valley of the Dry Bones
Ezekiel prophesies the defeat of Gog and Magog
Ezekiel's vision of the New Jerusalem
Leads a third group of exiles back to Judah
Assembles the people to renew their covenant with God
Paul defends himself before Governor Felix
Governor Festus agrees to send Paul to Rome
Leads a rebellion against Abimelech at Shechem
Gedeliah, Babylonian Governor of Judah
Appointed Governor of Judah by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
Assassinated by Ishmael at Mizpah
Refuses to believe the Judaeans are about to murder him
Defeats the Midianites
Killed by David in the Elah Valley
Asks why God allows the cruel Babylonians to succeed
God appears to allow the cruel Babylonians to succeed
People everywhere will know the LORD's glory as water covers the sea
Hadad, King of Edom
Refuses to pay tribute to King Solomon
Gives birth to Abram's son Ishmael
Wanders in the Desert of Paran
Haggai urges the exiles to re-build the Temple
Devises a plan to exterminate the Jewish people
Delivers a false prophesy to King Zedekiah
Visits the sanctuary at Shiloh and gives birth to Samuel
Pharaoh of Egypt whose daughter married King Solomon
Hazael, King of Aram (Syria)
Murders Ben-Hadad to become King of Aram (Syria)
Conquers the land of Gilead
Attacks Gath and Jerusalem
Defeated by Pharaoh Shoshenk I of Egypt in northern Israel
Herod the Great, 'King of the Jews'
Background and Family Tree
Wise men visit Herod in Jerusalem
Massacres the babies in Bethlehem
Awarded the title 'King of the Jews' by the Romans
Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea
Background and family
Imprisons John the Baptist
Kills John the Baptist
Jesus is sent before him by Pontius Pilate
Herod Agrippa I, King of Ituraea and Trachonitis
Executes James (the brother of John) and imprisons Peter
Herod Agrippa II, King of Ituraea and Trachonitis
Asks to hear Paul's case with Governor Festus
Hezekiak, King of Judah
Rebels against Assyria and fortifies Jerusalem
Hezekiah prays to the LORD for deliverance from the Assyrians
Builds a new settlement at Jericho
Abraham buys a tomb at Hebron from Ephron the Hittite
Elder of Eli's disreputable sons
Killed by the Philistines at the Battle of Aphek
Egyptian pharoah who comes to the aid of Israel in 589BC
Denounces social injustice in Israel
Likens the unfaithfulness of God’s people to an unfaithful wife
Hoshea, King of Israel
Deposes Pekah to become co-regent
Becomes sole king when Menahem dies
Pays tribute to King Shalmeneser V of Assyria
Makes a treaty with Egypt and is seized by Shalmaneser
Acts as an informer for King David
Apointed ruler of Judaea by Roman Emperor Pompey
Leads the Israelites for seven years
Isaac is born
Goes with Abraham to Mount Moriah
Falls in love with Rebekah
Isaac's twin sons Esau and Jacob are born
Makes a treaty with Abimelech at Beersheba
Isaac is deceived by his son Jacob
Isaac dies and is buried at Hebron
Prophesies the destruction of Israel and Judah
Introduction to the Book of Isaiah
Prophecies written before the fall of Jerusalem
Isaiah predicts a future golden age
Isaiah reassures King Ahaz of God's support
Troubled times and a glorious future kingdom
Isaiah foresees the return of the exiles
Isaiah warns of six catastrophies
The final years before the fall of Judah
Offers words of comfort after the fall of Jerusalem
Ishbosheth. King of Israel
Declared King of Israel by Abner
Abram's son Ishmael is born
Ishmael grows up in the Wilderness of Paran
Assassinates Gedeliah, the Babylonian Governor of Judah
Jabin, King of Hazor
Rules over Israel
Twins Esau and Jacob born
Jacob deceives his father Isaac and flees to Haran
He dreams of a staircase to heaven at Bethel
He marries Leah and Rachel at Haran
He encounters angels at Mahanaim
He wrestles with God at Peniel
He makes peace with Esau
He buys a family tomb at Shechem
God blesses Jacob at Bethel
Rachel dies near Bethlehem
He gives Joseph a multi-coloured coat
Jacob joins his son Joseph in Egypt
Jacob dies and is buried at Hebron
Leads the Israelites for twenty two years
James (the brother of Jesus)
Jesus appears to James after his resurrection
Peter hands him the leadership of the Jerusalem church
Writes to the Jewish believers after Stephen's death
Meets Saul in Jerusalem
Chairs the Council of Jerusalem
Receives offerings for the Jerusalem church from Paul
Jehoahaz, King of Israel
Succeeds Jehu as King of Israel
Jehoash, King of Israel
Succeeds his father Jehoahaz as King of Israel
Defeats King Amaziah, King of Judah, and sacks Jerusalem
Jehoiachin, King of Judah
Surrenders to King Nebuchanezzar and is taken to Babylon
Exiled to Babylon with Ezekiel in 597 BC
Jehoiakim, King of Judah
Becomes a vassal of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
Rebels against King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
Jehoram, King of Judah
Succeeds his father Jehoshaphat as King of Judah
Loses Edom when they revolt
Jehoshaphat, King of Judah
Aliies with Ahab of Israel against Ben-Hadad of Aram
Builds ships to trade with Ophar
Allies with Joram of Israel to fight King Mesha of Moab
Anglicised form of God's personal name YHWH
Jehu, King of Israel
Anointed by Elijah
Races to Jezreel to depose King Joram of Israel
Kills King Amaziah of Judah and Queen Jezebel of Israel
Kills the prophets of Baal & destroys the Temple of Baal at Samaria
Pays tribute to Shalmaneser III of Assyria
Defeats the Ammonites
Prophesies against the unfaithfulness of the people of Judah
Flees to Egypt after the assassination of Gedeliah, Governor of Judah
Warns the people of Judah of impending catastrophe
Prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem
Is beaten, arrested and charged with treason
Attempts to leave Jerusalem
Is taken to Egypt
Jeroboam I, King of Israel
Builds temples to worship Baal
Jeroboam II, King of Israel
Becomes King of Israel in accordance with Jonah's prophesy
Restores the boundaries of Israel to those during King David's reign
Bar Mitzvah
Early ministry in Galilee
Jesus's ministry beyond Galilee
Arrest & Trial
Death & Resurrection
Becomes Moses' father-in-law
Visits Moses near Mt Sinai
Jezebel of Sidon, Queen of Israel
Encourages Baal worship in Israel
Killed by her eunuchs at Jezreel
Joash, King of Judah
Destroys the Temple of Baal in Jerusalem
Carries out extensive repairs to Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem
Is murdered by his officials at Beth Millo
Job's faith is tested by adversity
Joel prophesies that locusts will destroy the grain crops of Judah
Joel foresees the Day of the LORD
Forces Jeremiah and other Judaites to flee to Egypt
John the Baptist
John's message
John's role
John (the brother of James)
Called to follow Jesus
Heals a crippled man with Peter at the Beautiful Gate
The author of John's Gospel
Introduction to John's Letters
Introduction to the Revelation of John
John Mark
Sets out with Paul on his 1st missionary journey
Returns from Perga to Jerusalem
Accompanies Barnabas to Cyprus
Stays with Paul in Rome and writes the Gospel of Mark
The author of Mark's Gospel
Prophesies that Jeroboam II will become King of Israel
Preaches a message of judgement to Ninevah, capital of Assyria
Introduction to the Book of Jonah
Jonah is thrown overboard to appease the gods
Jonah arrives at Nineveh
Destroys the Philistine pillar at Geba
Defeats the Philistines at Michmash Pass
Killed by the Philistines at Mt Gilboa
Joram (Jehoram), King of Israel
Becomes co-regent with his father King Ahab
Allies with Jehoshaphat of Judah to fight King Mesha of Moab
Is wounded fighting King Hazael of Aram at Ramoth Gilead
Is killed by Jehu at Jezreel
Jacob and Rachel's son Joseph is born
Joseph's tomb at Shechem is bought by Jacob
Joseph is sold by his brothers into slavery in Egypt
Joseph becomes Vizier of Egypt
Joseph is reunited with his brothers in Egypt
Jacob's family joins Joseph in Egypt
Joseph buries his father Jacob at Hebron
Joseph dies and his body is embalmed in Egypt
Joseph's bones are taken out of Egypt
Joseph of Arimathea
Buries the body of Jesus in a new tomb
Josephus Flavius
Jewish author of 'The Romano-Jewish War'
Josiah, King of Judah
Ushers in religious reforms
Killed by Pharoah Neco of Egypt at Megiddo
Spies out the 'promised land' of Canaan
Succeeds Moses as leader of the Israelites
Leads the Israelites into Canaan
Conquers Jericho and Ai
Reads the Law of Moses at Mt Ebal
Is deceived by the Hivites of Gibeon
Defeats King Jabin of Hazor
Is buried in the hill country of Ephraim
Jotham, King of Judah
Rules as co-regent with his leprous father Azariah (Uzziah)
As king, re-builds the Upper Gateway of the Temple
Fights against King Pekah of Israel and King Rezin of Syria
Judas Iscariot
Offers to betray Jesus
Sits beside Jesus at the Last Supper
Betrays Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
Kills himself at the Field of Blood
Judas Maccabaeus
Re-dedicates the Jewish Temple after its defilement by Antiochus Epiphanes
Leads the Jewish rebellion to retake control of Jerusalem
Khaneferre Sobekhotep IV, Pharaoh of Egypt
The Pharaoh in whose household Prince Moses is raised
Father of the Egyptian princess who rescued Moses from the bulrushes
Leads a rebellion against Moses
Rachel's father makes peace with Jacob at Mizpah
Raised from the dead by Jesus
Sets out for Canaan with Abram
Settles in the Jordan Valley
Is captured by the four overlords
Escapes from Sodom with his family
Sails from Troas to Macedonia with Paul
Visits Philippi with Paul
Sails from Troas to Jerusalem with Paul
Sails from Caesarea to Rome with Paul
Stays with Paul in Rome
The author of Luke's Gospel
Baptised by Paul at Philippi
Malachi reprimands the priests for offering 'unclean' sacrifices
Malachi announces the Day of the LORD
Marduk II, King of Babylon
Marduk sends envoys to Jerusalem
Mary and Joseph
Jesus's birth announced
Journey to Bethlehem
Birth of Jesus
In the Temple at Jerusalem
Flight to Egypt
Return to Nazareth
Mary and Martha
They ask Jesus to raise their brother from death
Jesus stays overnight at Bethany
Mary anoints Jesus with expensive perfume
Mary Magdalene
Sees the risen Lord Jesus outside the tomb
Matthew (Levi)
One of the twelve called to follow Jesus
The author of Matthew's Gospel
Melchizedek, King of Salem (Jerusalem)
Blesses Abram at Jerusalem
Menahem, King of Israel
Murders Shallum and seizes the throne
Pays off King Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria
Appoints his son Pekaniah as co-regent
Dies, leaving Hoshea as sole King of Israel
Manasseh, King of Judah
Sacrifices his son to the pagan god Moloch
A Babylonian god
Cared for by King David
Mesha, King of Moab
Refuses to pay tribute to King Joram of Israel
Sacrifices his son at the seige of Kir Hareseth
Lives for 969 years
Blesses the Danites conquest of Laish
Micah the Prophet
Prophesies against Israel and Judah
Predicts the coming of a great king from the family of David
Hides her brother Moses in the bulrushes
Criticises Moses and becomes leprous
Dies at Kadesh Barnea
The god of Ammon
Mordecai, Uncle of Queen Esther
Uncovers a plot to kill King Xerxes I
Becomes chief advisor to Xerxes I
Hidden in bulrushes at edge of River Nile
Escapes to Midian
Called by God at Mt Sinai
Threatens the Pharaoh with ten plagues
Leads the Israelites out of Avaris and Pithom
Leads the Israelites across the Reed Sea
Receives the Ten Commandments from God
Constructs the Ark of the Covenant
Sends spies into Canaan
Strikes a rock with Aaron's staff
Erects a bronze snake on a pole
Looks out over the 'promised land' from Mt Nebo
Moses dies at Mt Nebo
Psalm 90 - attributed to Moses
Killed by King Ahab at Samaria
Celebrates the destruction of Assyria by the Babylonians
Introduction to the Book of Nahum
Nahum predicts the fall of Nineveh
Travels back to Bethlehem with Ruth
Rebukes David for arranging Uriah's death
Nathaniel (Bartholomew)
Called to follow Jesus
Nebkaure Khety IV
The pharaoh when Abraham and Sarah moved to Egypt
A Babylonian god
Nebuchadnezzar II, King of Babylon
Invades Judah and forces King Jehoiakim to become a vassal
Conquers Jerusalem and sends its people into exile in Babylon
Beseiges Jerusalem
Zedekiah is brought before Nebuchadnezzar
Neco, Pharaoh of Egypt
Kills King Josiah of Judah at the Battle of Megiddo
Retakes Gaza from Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
Neferhotep I, Pharaoh of Egypt
The pharaoh who did not know Joseph
The pharaoh who mistreated the Hebrew slaves
Returns to Jerusalem with a fourth group of exiles
Rebuilds the walls of Jerusalem
Appointed Governor of Judah by King Artaxerxes I
Reinforces the Sabbath no-trading laws
Visits Jesus secretly at night
Persuades the Jewish Council not to condemn Jesus unjustly
Helps Joseph of Arimathea to bury the body of Jesus
Builds the Tower of Babylonia
Journeys to Aratta on the flood
His sons Ham, Shem & Japheth colonise the world
Decries Edom after it takes advantage of Jerusalem's fall in 587BC
Obadiah prophesies that Edom will be punished
Obadiah foresees the resurgence of Israel
Omri, King of Israel
Builds a new capital at Samaria
Conquers Debir
Defeats King Cushan Rishathaim of Mesopotamia
Journey to Damascus
1st missionary journey
2nd missionary journey
3rd missionary journey
4th missionary journey
Death in Rome
Introduction to Paul's Letters
Pekah, Co-regent of Israel
Murders Pekaniah to become co-regent
Allies with King Rezin of Syria to fight King Jotham of Judah
Deposed by Hoshea
Pekaniah, Co-regent of Israel
Appointed co-regent by his father Mehanem
Murdered by Pekah, one of his officers
Peter (Simon)
Nicknamed 'Peter' by Jesus
Called to follow Jesus
Says Jesus is the Messiah
Denial of Jesus predicted
Filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
Peter's journeys
Appointed to oversee distribution of food to widows
Philip performs signs and wonders in Sebaste
Philip and the Ethiopian
Philip in Caesarea and Hierapolis
Paul visits Philip in Caasarea
Younger of Eli's disreputable sons
Killed by the Philistines at the Battle of Aphek
Roman Emperor who invades Syria and creates the Roman province of Judaea
Pontius Pilate
Jesus is tried by Pilate
Qedos Yisrael
Name of God meaning 'The Holy One of Israel'
Marries Jacob at Haran
Her son Joseph is born
Dies near Bethlehem giving birth to Benjamin
Ramesses II, Pharaoh of Egypt
Fails to defeat the Hittites at the Battle of Kadesh
Plunders Jerusalem
Why he is not the Pharaoh of the Exodus
Refuses to drink wine - sets a good example of a sober & responsible life
Rebekah is born at Haran
Travels to Hebron to meet Isaac
Twin sons Esau and Jacob born
Rehoboam, King of Judah
Sets up altars to Baal & Ashtoreth
Roman Emperors
Roman Emperors in the New Testament
Travels to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law Naomi
Samaritan woman at Jacob's Well
Offered 'living water' by Jesus
Born at Zorah and becomes a Nazarite
Kills a lion and gives the Philistines a riddle to solve
Is deceived by Delilah
Demolishes the Temple of Dagon at Gaza
Taken as a child to the sanctuary at Shiloh
Administers justice from Ramah
Anoints Saul as King of Israel
Condemns Saul at Gilgal
Anoints David as king at Bethlehem
Dies and is buried at Ramah
Sarai / Sarah
Sarai (Sarah) is promised a son
Isaac is born
Sarah dies at Hebron
Sargon II, King of Assyria
Leads the Israelites into exile in Assyria
Sends Assyrian settlers to Samaria
Satan, "the accuser", brings an accusation against Joshua, the High Priest
Anointed King of Israel by Samuel
Defeats the Ammonites at Jabesh
Consults a medium at Endor
Defeated by the Philistines at Mt Gilboa
Sennacherib, King of Assyria
Attacks and conquers Lachish
Sennacherib attacks and conquers Lachish
Shallum, King of Israel
Assassinates Zechariah and seizes the throne
Is murdered by Menahem
Shalmaneser III, King of Assyria
Fights Ahab of Israel & Ben-Hadad of Aram at the Battle of Karkar
The earliest reliable date in the Old Testament - Battle of Karkar
Shalmaneser V, King of Assyria
Lays seige to Samaria and conquers Israel
Kills six hundred Philistines
Sheshbazzar, Governor of Judah
Returns with the first group of exiles
Shishak, Pharaoh of Egypt
Plunders Jerusalem
Why Shishak is not Pharaoh Shoshenk
Shoshenk I, Pharaoh of Egypt
Defeats King Hazael of Aram (Syria) in northern Israel
Repels the Arameans (Syrians) when they attack Israel
Accompanies Paul on his second missionary journey
Visits Philippi with Paul
Visits Thessanonica with Paul
Rejoins Paul in Corinth
Defeated by Barak at Mt Tabor
Solomon, King of Judah & Israel
Born in Jerusalem
Solomon becomes King of Israel & Judah
Marries Pharaoh Haremheb's daughter
Builds the Temple in Jerusalem
King Solomon's mines
Installs the Ark of the Covenant in the Temple
Rebuilds the cities of Israel
Solomon's Overseas trading expeditions
Entertains the Queen of Sheba
Builds a network of chariot cities
Turns away from God
Dies and is buried in Jerusalem
Words of Wisdom attributed to King Solomon
Appointed to oversee distribution of food to widows
Tried by the Sanhedrin and stoned to death
Taharka, Pharaoh of Egypt
Fights the Assyrians in Judah
Tiglath-Pileser III, King of Assyria
Invades Israel but is paid off by King Menahem
Captures Gilead, Galilee & Naphtali and deports the Israelites to Assyria
Captures Damascus and kills King Rezin of Syria
Joins Paul at Lystra on his second missionary journey
Visits Berea with Paul
Rejoins Paul in Corinth
Accompanies Paul on his third missionary journey
With Paul in Ephesus
Stays with Paul in Rome
In charge of the church in Ephesus
Receives advice from Paul on church leadership
Doubts that Jesus has risen from the dead
Leads the Israelites for twenty three years
Xerxes I, King of Persia
Builds a new royal palace at Persepolis
Deposes Queen Vashti and marries Esther
Promotes and then executes Haman
Issues a royal decree allowing the Jews to defend themselves
The personal name of the God of Israel
Yahweh Sebaot
Name for God meaning 'The LORD of hosts'
Urges David to escape to Mahanaim
Zechariah, King of Israel
Succeeds his father Jeroboam II as King of Israel
Is assassinated by Shallum
Zechariah, Post-exile prophet
Introduction to the Book of Zechariah
Zechariah sees an angel of the LORD riding a red horse
Zechariah has a vision of a young man with a measuring line
Zechariah has a vision of Joshua, the High Priest
Prophesies about the coming of the Messiah
Zedekiah, King of Judah
Installed as a puppet king by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
Rebels against Nebuchadnezzar and is taken captive to Babylon
Asks Jeremiah to pray for a miracle
Is advised by Jeremiah to submit to King Nebuchadnezzar
Gives orders for Jeremiah to be confined in the royal palace
Zedekiah is blinded and led in chains to Babylon
Prophesies about the unfaithfulness of the people of Judah
Prophesies that Judah will be punished for following pagan gods
Warns of the punishment of Judah
Zerubbabel (grandson of King Jehoiachin of Judah)
Leads a second group of exiles home to Judah
The LORD promises to bless Zerubbabel
The LORD tells Zerubbabel that he will succeed in rebuilding the Temple