27 Aug. 2 Corinthians 5:14-21

27 Aug. Belonging to Christ means becoming a new creation

"The love of Christ controls us, because we know that One died for all, so all have died. Christ died for all so that those who live would not continue to live for themselves. He died for them and was raised from the dead so that they would live for him."

"From this time on we do not think of anyone as the world does. In the past we thought of Christ as the world thinks, but we no longer think of him in that way."

"If anyone belongs to Christ, there begins a new creation. The old things have gone: everything is made new!"

"All this is from God. Through Christ, God made peace between us and himself, and God gave us the work of telling everyone about the peace we can have with him."

"God was in Christ, making peace between the world and himself. In Christ, God did not hold the world guilty of its sins. And he gave us this message of peace."

"So we have been sent to speak for Christ. It is as if God is calling to you through us. We speak for Christ when we beg you to be at peace with God."

"Christ had no sin, but God made him become sin so that in Christ we could become right with God."

          (2 Corinthians 5:14-21)



Paul's message is all about 'righteousness' - how we can become 'right with God'. And for Paul, it all starts with the death of Jesus Christ.

In a sense, we have all died because Christ died for us to gain forgiveness from God so we might start a completely new life. "He died for them and was raised from the dead so that they would live for him." (2 Corinthians 5:15)

So Paul urges the believers to let Christ change them completely – from God’s enemies into his friends. “If anyone belongs to Christ, there begins a new creation. The old things have gone; everything is made new!” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Indeed, this is Paul's whole reason for writing to them; he is speaking on behalf of Christ, urging them to make peace with God. "It is as if God is calling to you through us. We speak for Christ when we beg you to be at peace with God." (2 Corinthians 5:20)

The photo shows flowers at King's Park in Perth, Western Australia.

You can read more from Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians @ https://www.thebiblejourney.org/…/14…/how-god-changes-lives/

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