Click on a date below
May 1st Acts 2:1-4 The Holy Spirit sets the followers on fire for Jesus
May 2nd Acts 2:5-13 Everyone hears the Good News about Jesus
May 3rd Acts 2:14-42 Peter explains the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
May 4th Acts 2:43-47 Jesus's followers support each other financially
May 5th Acts 3:1-10 Peter and John heal a crippled man at the Temple
May 6th Acts 3:11-26 Peter explains that Jesus was the promised Messiah
May 7th Acts 4:1-31 Peter & John speak boldly before the Jewish Council
May 8th Acts 4:32-5:11 Two followers die after lying to the Holy Spirit
May 9th Acts 5:12-16 People see signs and miracles and believe
May 10th Acts 5:17-42 The apostles are imprisoned but won't be silenced
May 11th Acts 6:1-7 The apostles appoint assistants to distribute food to the poor
May 12th Acts 6:8-15 Stephen is accused of antisemitism
May 13th Acts 7:1-60 Stephen defends himself at the Jewish Council
May 14th Acts 8:1,11:19-21 The followers of Jesus are dispersed by persecution
May 15th Acts 8:2-8 Philip spreads the message in Samaria
May 16th Acts 8:9-13 Simon the magician seeks to follow Jesus
May 17th Acts 8:14-25 Peter and John ask the Holy Spirit to fill the Samaritan believers
May 18th Acts 8:26-40 Philip explains the scriptures to an Ethiopian Jew
May 19th Acts 2:1-8:17 Peter spreads the Good News about Jesus
May 20th Acts 9:32-43 Peter heals a paralysed man and raises a woman from the dead
May 21st Acts 10:1-23 Peter, a Jew, is told by God to eat with non-Jews
May 22nd Acts 10:23-48 A Roman army officer's family are filled with the Holy Spirit
May 23rd Acts 11:1-18 The Jewish followers of Jesus accept that God loves non-Jews
May 24th Acts 12:1-19 Peter is arrested and hands over the leadership to James
May 25th Acts 7:58-8:3, 9:1-9 Saul (Paul) sees the 'glory' of the Lord Jesus near Damascus
May 26th Acts 9:10-19 Saul (Paul) is filled with the Holy Spirit
May 27th Galatians 1:11-2:2 Saul (Paul) spreads the Good News in Damascus and Tarsus
May 28th Acts 11;19-26 Barnabas brings Paul to Antioch to teach the new believers
May 29th Acts 11:27-13:3 Paul and Barnabas take aid from Antioch to Jerusalem
May 30th Acts 13:1-5 Paul sets off from Antioch on his 'first' missionary journey
May 31st Acts 13:4-12 Paul rebukes Elymas and astonishes the Roman governor